Is Social Selling the answer to closing Deals?

Social Selling is basically a development process that inculcates relationship as part of the sales process. Networking sites like LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook come into the foray when we talk about Social Selling. This process can happen both online and offline. It has become a very important part of a sales team for the successful interaction with the prospects.

How does Social Selling work?

Social selling works by direct interaction with the prospects and provide valuable service like answering their queries and providing profound information about your product until the prospect could be converted to a potential buyer.

How to build trust with your Prospects through Social Selling ?

It’s crucial to establish trust with your prospects using social media even before meeting them.

Following are some of the ways to do so.

  • Show a proof of your social media presence. You can use platforms like LinkedIn to make your presence felt. LinkedIn offers you chances to endorse and write reviews. If you have mentioned your skill set, your colleagues can endorse you and write good reviews about you. This will help you in your sales pitch.
  • You can post articles and write blogs to let prospects know in detail about what your product is and how it works, latest news about your company.
  • You can also convert your prospects to buyers by bringing new deals and discounts now and then and providing value and quality product.

How to use Social Selling right away ?

  • Creating a personal brand is ideal when it comes to social selling. In case you are using LinkedIn platform to connect to the prospects, make sure you have a sharp headline and a crisp bio on you. You can add your photograph and always be active by posting relevant articles and videos.
  • Make a thorough research on the prospects you are trying to contact. You should also compose a good, clear and precise message or an email before sending it to them.
  • Once the prospect becomes a customer, the journey doesn’t end. You need to always have a check on the existing customers to make sure they stay with you for long. They can bring in new customers through their networking too. In order to make your customers happy, provide quality service and always keep them posted about new offers and discounts available.

In conclusion, the use of social media as a platform to sell products is a major boon to the sales team of any industry. It also definitely helps in converting prospects into potential customers.

If you are using similar techniques, share your thoughts/suggestions.