7 Facebook Advertising Tips to Change Your Sales Game

In case you haven’t noticed, Facebook is a great place to build and grow a strong community. Even though new promotions are no longer available on ads, building a strong community of shares, referrals, and likes is the best way to get your brand out.

Facebook's advertising platform is only a few years old, yet it has completely disturbed the advertising model and shaken up the teach landscape on a global scale. Today, 95% of small businesses that use social media advertising are on Facebook. Facebook ads help you to promote and sell your products or services to a wide customer base. It also helps you to reach more of the right people to grow your business.

These 7 Facebook advertising tips will help you ensure that your Facebook ad campaigns are converting well and bringing in new customers.

We will go over the following:

  1. Avoid Ad Drop-Off
  2. Expand Your Brand Awareness with Page Post Engagement Ads
  3. Show Off with Facebook Carousel Ads
  4. Retargeting is Key
  5. Use the Audience Optimization Tool
  6. Keep Your Text Under 90 Characters
  7. Facebook Video Ads: Video is Still Valuable Content

#1 Avoid Ad Drop-Off 👎

To get most of the effectiveness of Facebook advertising, specifically a direct response campaign driving a user to a landing page, you should aim to limit the drop-off as much as possible. When a visitor clicks the ad and directed from the ad itself to a campaign-specific landing page, drop-off occurs for a variety of reasons.

Maybe a visitor doesn’t want to take an extra step by leaving the platform to complete a given action or the landing page provides an experience completely different from what the visitor was expecting. Driving a visitor to a landing page can be a fair play to bring them towards the sales funnel, but there are some ways to try and correct this.

One of the most favourite objectives of Facebook advertising – Lead Ads. This type of advertising allows a visitor to complete a specific form for lead capture without even leaving the Facebook platform and in only two clicks.

Lead ads are personalized and capture the user information that would be captured within form fills on a landing page with a direct response ad. Another point to keep in mind is when you are trying to reduce your drop-off rates, make sure your content speaks about your brand.

It is so crucial to give the user an experience that is clear and easy to understand about you and your product.

#2 Expand Your Brand Awareness with Page Post Engagement Ads 🤝

The Facebook algorithm allows your organic posts so much exposure. If you have 100 likes on your page, and you post something organically to your account, it is possible that only reach 20 or so followers will see that post. Page post engagement ads offer a solid fix for your campaign.

To create engagement ads, you need to determine the engagement marketing objectives. In that case marketing objectives include comments, shares, likes, event responses, and offer claims. By running engagement ads, you can get your content from the people who already like, comment, and interact with it.

You can also choose Facebook's proverbial array for customer targeting to get your content in front of new segments of the population.

Carousel ads are tailor-made for displaying multiple products or multiple features of the same product on a single screen (swipe-able ad). The process is extremely templated and collateral placing into the Facebook UI and placing it in the right spots.

Carousel ad templates include getting new customers, selling products, and showcasing your brand.  It gives advertisers the ability to display up to 10 images or videos with different CTAs in one ad and link to different landing pages from each panel of the carousel.

This ad is effective on both desktop and mobile, and are available for most Facebook ad objective. So if you are interested to do online sales, don’t feel like your hands are tied.

#4 Retargeting is Key 👆

Retargeting campaigns have a higher conversion rate and lower Cost Per Click (CPC).

Whether you are targeting visitors who have simply visited a certain page on your website or showing ads of a big sale to high-value customers who purchase regularly, those visitors already have some sort of connection with your business. That familiarity will make them click on that ad and see what you have to offer. It will also make them become your customer.

Facebook’s retargeting can be done based on two categories:

  1. People on a list that you uploaded
    These lists contain past customers, email subscribers, or blog subscribers. It is effective when you want to create targeted, timely offers that are relevant to these specific groups. Think as an exclusive offer for platinum customers or a new product that works well with products certain audience members have purchased.
  2. People interacted with your business in some way
    This takes an action on your website or watches a certain percentage of a video on the platform. So it is an option to retarget people who interacted with your store-in person and that can be set up with offline events.

It doesn’t matter what types of audiences and retargeting campaigns you choose to create, just remember to use what you know about that specific audience to full advantage in creating relevant messaging.

#5 Use the Audience Optimization Tool 👥

The audience optimization tool helps marketers to better reach and engage with their target audience by improving the relevancy of that post to viewers. For businesses that may have multiple locations but one universal Facebook page, this tool is a lottery.

The audience optimization tool allows you to make specific posts visible only to users within a specific area, interest, language, age, or gender. So that it may show only to the group that you have identified. When visitors within the selected interest or location visits your Facebook page, they will only see messages that are relevant to them.

#6 Keep Your Text Under 90 Characters 👀

There are three parts to your ad:

  1. The headline is the biggest text on your ad that should be underneath your image. The goal of the headline to grab the reader’s attention and get them to read the rest of the ad.
  2. Below the headline is the ad description. The goal of the description is to elaborate on the headline to explain the offer in more detail but more about what the reader should expect when they click your ad.
  3. Above the image is your post text, it is kind of similar to the description. Use it to elaborate on your offer or explain more about your ad post.

Make sure your post is should not exceed 90 characters. Anything longer than that, Facebook will cut it off.

#7 Facebook Video Ads: Video is Still Valuable Content 😇

There is a lot of questions about whether video still has value in Facebook Ads after Facebook has been drastically inflating video metrics. Although the video is still an important strategy in Facebook marketing and it is still important for Facebook Ads too.

Facebook video ads can be created up to 240 minutes long, so there is really no limit to the amount of content that you can fit in one spot. But you keep it short and sweet to capture the viewer's attention. Captioned video ads get more video views by an average of 12% says Facebook.


Facebook advertisement is a continuous marketing process of trials and errors. It is not an easy process but worth investing the time and effort since Facebook ads are still one of the best ways to reach new customers and the existing ones.

If you have any Facebook advertising tips that you are using in your marketing campaign then share them with us at LeadMine.