Email Lookup

Email Lookup

Email Lookup helps you to get the verified business email address directly and rapidly by name, and company domain.

Email Lookup
Find anyone's corporate email address
  • Check mark All you need is their first name, last name and domain.
  • Check mark Enter the domain name and collect "n" number of email addresses
  • Check mark Recognize the green dot and find the confidence score.
Email Lookup
Lead email address in seconds
  • Check mark Find multiple email addresses from a list of names and companies or domains.
  • Check mark Get the verified business email address directly and rapidly by name and company domain.
  • Check mark Click and copy any email address as simple as that.

Grow your business with LeadMine

With LeadMine, you have everything you need for better lead generation, all in one place.

Million Contacts 200 million contacts

Search through millions of records and filter the companies and contact information for key leads.

Export To Csv Export in CSV

Save your target leads in a separate list and export them into CVS file along with their email addresses.

Bulk Email Finder Bulk Email Finder

Upload your incomplete data files with ‘First Name’, ‘Last Name’ and ‘Company Name’ to get valid email addresses.

Live Data Only up-to-date data

You get live sources and our data gets updated on a daily basis, you can never find an outdated data.

No Bounces No more bounces

We only return emails addresses that we are able to verify, and guarantee a deliverability rate of over 95%.

Email Finder Extension Chrome Extension

Find targeted leads and their email addresses from any corporate websites and Google search results in seconds.


How to get email address details using LeadMine’s Email lookup?

Email Lookup helps you to get the verified business email address directly and rapidly by name, and company domain.
Steps to Find anyone's corporate email address:
1. First Name and Last Name in the first text field.
2. Domain Name in the second text field.

How accurate is LeadMine’s email Lookup?

Email Lookup uses many methods to find emails—it searches several million records, And cross-checks with the existing data in the database and performs direct server validation.
We use live sources, and update our data regularly for better accuracy We only return emails addresses that we can verify, and guarantee a deliverability rate of over 95%.

Can we find multiple email addresses using email lookup by LeadMine?

LeadMine is a bulk email finder, using which you can get a collective database of email addresses that might be your prospective lead. Using a bulk email finder, you can connect with multiple people at one go saving a lot of time, and ensuring efficiency and effectivity

What are the various email finder-related features that LeadMine provides?

1. Chrome Extension-Find targeted leads and their email addresses from any corporate websites and Google search results in seconds.
2. Export CSV file - Save your target leads in a separate list and export them into a CSV file along with their email addresses. Learn More
3. Email verifier - Verify the deliverability of any email address. Learn More

Is LeadMine’s Email lookup free?

LeadMine offers the first 10 Free credits, for your ideal search, and a free 14-day trial where no credit card is required as we believe you should try for your own and have a full hands-on experience and learn the benefits of using LeadMine.

I am having trouble finding an e-mail address! Common errors while using email lookup

1. Spelling errors - Check if the details are misspelled
2. Revision errors - Are you updated about your lead and organization? Is your lead still a part of the organization, or does the organization still exist?
3. Domain name errors - Check if you have entered the correct domain name corresponding to the ideal person or the organization. These domain names of the person and organization can be different.
Still, having trouble?
Our team is always ready to assist you, try contacting our live assistance or drop us your queries at [email protected]

Start using LeadMine for free now.

Take Your Lead Generation to the Next Level!

  • 10 Free credits
  • Free 14-day trial
  • No credit card required