
Email Verifier Alternatives

Email Verifier is an efficient tool that helps the marketers verify the user's email address.

What is an Email verifier?

Email Verifier is an efficient tool that helps the marketers verify the user's email address to boost their sales and ensure a good delivery.

Why should I use it?

  1. People may switch their email provider.
  2. People may make a new account with the same provider.
  3. Change in place of work
  4. Closure of the domain

Need for verifying email address

  • Change in email provider

If users switch to another provider, their email addresses will change. Their earlier permission for receiving emails from your brand can be declined due to their new address. Unless you verify their email address, there’s no way you can know that particular users changed their email provider.

  • Generate a new account within the same provider

Those who initially registered an email address for personal use may decide to use it for business purposes. An informal email address will look unprofessional and make the wrong impression therefore users may create another account with their original name in the address.

  • Closure of the domain

An email address that goes after the “@” symbol is a domain address. People use email providers and their email address ends with a domain name for personal use. Businesses use corporate domain addresses on the other hand. The users cannot receive your emails if the company is no longer in business and the domain is down.

A capable email verifier can help you discard inactive addresses from your email list and cut delivery costs.

How does an email verifier work?

  • Domain existence check

It aids in locating whether a domain address is registered and works appropriately. If it doesn’t work, all email addresses working on this domain cease to exist and won’t receive emails.

  • Syntax check

It helps in validating if an address is active and written correctly. It should omit spaces or commas and should have the appropriate structure with the mailbox name at the start and domain address after the “@” symbol. If there is an error in the address, you won’t be able to send your message.

  • MX record check

It is the best way to verify email addresses. The Mail Exchanger record picks out which server is responsible for receiving emails. Email verifiers check if the server accountable for a particular user’s address is registered and working correctly.

Alternatives email verifier

  • LeadMine is one of the best and most accessible email verifiers that anyone can use for free. LeadMine crosschecks email addresses with 200 million other email addresses. Email addresses are verified through syntax, the MX record of the domain, and pinging the mail server for email deliverability. This is an excellent feature with many tools such as lead finder, email finder, disposable email checker, and email subject line generator.

  • SendPulse comes with an in-built Email Verifier that you can use before sending your email. It segregates spam, addresses with typos, and inactive addresses from your list. You can verify an existing mailing list or upload a new one in CSV, XLS, XLSX formats.

  • Snov.io permits you to run syntax, domain and MX record verification. It locates temporarily unavailable domains, identifies and removes duplicate email addresses.

  • Hunter provides syntax, domain existence, and MX record checks that you can operate in bulk, one at a time and in API format. It can search temporarily unavailable and disposable domains and duplicates.

I hope that this article helps you in choosing the best tool for propelling your business to new heights.

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